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  • Enterprise Certificate of "Keeping Contract and Respecting Credit" Enterprise Certificate of "Keeping Contract and Respecting Credit" Enterprise Certificate of "Keeping Contract and Respecting Credit"
  • honor honor honor
  • Honorary Certificate from Hangzhou Xiaoshan Charity Association Honorary Certificate from Hangzhou Xiaoshan Charity Association Honorary Certificate from Hangzhou Xiaoshan Charity Association
  • Honorary Certificate from Hangzhou Xiaoshan Charity Association Honorary Certificate from Hangzhou Xiaoshan Charity Association Honorary Certificate from Hangzhou Xiaoshan Charity Association
  • Enterprise Credit Grade Certificate A Enterprise Credit Grade Certificate A Enterprise Credit Grade Certificate A
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Contact number: 0571-82760033 Company mailbox: dandanchen2007@163.com Headquarters address: No. 90 Caoyang Road, Xiangyang Village, Yaqian Town, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
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