News News
2018 - 11 - 24
Recently, the General Department of the Ministry of Commerce and the Institute of International Trade and Economic Cooperation jointly released the Report on China's Foreign Trade Situation (autumn 2018). The report reviews the operation of China's foreign trade in the first three quarters of 2018, and looks forward to the development trend of China's foreign trade in the whole year of 2018 and in 2019. Data show that China's exports to the United States have not declined, but increased.Sino-US trade continues to growIn the first three quarters, China's total import and exp...
2018 - 11 - 24
There are less than 40 days left in 2018. Winter is coming. For people who make textile and clothing, they all have the mentality of "worrying about clothes and wishing for cold weather". But this winter is doomed to be a little different for textile and clothing people. The cold weather that textile and apparel people hoped for in the past years, even if it came, it is estimated that it will be very difficult for textile factories to make a great improvement in the later stage.After National Day, I received many telephone messages from the bosses of the same factory. The bosses felt...
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